הצדיק הירושלמי רבי אריה לוין זצ"ל
Better known known as the “Tzadik of Yerushalayim” for his work on behalf of the poor and sick. Also known as the “Father of Prisoners” for his visits to the central prison of Jerusalem during the British Mandate. Did not leave this world before giving over to his grandson the Koach to bring Yeshuas to Klal Yisroel.
A couple of weeks ago his grandson Rabbi Aryeh Yudalowitz Shlita from Bet Shemesh, was able to see anyone seeking a Brocha and many saw great Yeshuos B’H.
We are now offering an exclusive opportunity by having the Rav come to your home or office to do this special Tikun he received from his holy grandfather. The Tikun is known to remove any obstacles or blockages that may withhold your Hatzlocha in life.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky Z’L said to the Rav, that “Hashem has given him a special Koach”. As a result, B’H thousands have been helped through his special Tikunim and Tefilos.
Last visit in Lakewood resulted that a family with 3 unmarried girls were Zocha to have 2 engaged within a month after having that special Tikun done in their home.
Another success came to a well-known businessman selling high-end jewelry. The man had been sitting with merchandise for over 18 month and business was declining. A Tikun was done in the office and today he’s B’H one of the largest in the industry with over millions of dollars in sales.
A woman was suffering of a severe illness in her intestines. The doctors gave it a very slim chance of recovery. B’H after the Tikun was done at the home of this women, she was cured completely.
Now it’s “your” time to get the
Yeshuah you have been waiting for.
B’ezras Hashem we should all be Zoche to have the ultimate Tikun that will bring .משיח צדקנו
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to schedule your appointment for a Tikun.